Psoriasis in woman's hands

Psoriasis can cause a significant amount of discomfort and embarrassment. Getting a better understanding of this skin condition is important for effective management of symptoms and flare-ups. More information about psoriasis in Tinley Park is available at Dermatology Associates.

What Is Psoriasis?

Psoriasis is a skin condition that comes in several forms. These include the following:

  • Plaque psoriasis
  • Nail psoriasis
  • Guttate psoriasis
  • Inverse psoriasis
  • Pustular psoriasis
  • Erythrodermic psoriasis

Psoriasis typically takes on the appearance of scaly patches that are incredibly itchy. It can often be found on the scalp and knees, and it can also be present on the elbows.

In certain cases, the physical symptoms can get severe enough to cause pain and major discomfort. For the worst examples, patients can often find it difficult to even sleep.

What Causes Psoriasis?

While the cause of psoriasis has yet to be determined, its triggers have been well documented. These can include infections, changes in the weather, cuts or scrapes, and even smoking. Drinking too much alcohol can also cause the skin condition to flare up; certain types of medication have been observed to do the same.

How to Prevent Psoriasis

Patients who are predisposed to having psoriasis can take precautions to prevent triggering the skin condition. Among the most effective is using moisturizers to keep the skin in a healthy state and stop the onset of dryness. Eating foods that are good for the skin can be quite helpful, too.

When to Get Treatment for Psoriasis

Ideally, patients should come in for psoriasis treatment as soon as the symptoms start to appear. In cases where the skin condition has become widespread or has begun to cause a considerable amount of discomfort, patients should seek treatment right away.

Psoriasis Treatments

Unfortunately, this fairly common skin condition can only be managed rather than cured completely. Certain lifestyle changes can be enough to stop the symptoms from coming back with the same degree of severity. Topical ointments or medications can also be prescribed to manage psoriasis. These can be applied to the affected areas or taken orally.

How Much Do Psoriasis Treatments Cost?

The cost of treatments for psoriasis can differ depending on the type prescribed. Patients can learn more about this during the consultation.

Set Up a Consultation

For more information about treatments for psoriasis in Tinley Park, patients can schedule a consultation with Dermatology Associates.

I have been a patient of Dr. Mesirow for 30 years. I have always been extremely satisfied with my treatment & care. Everyone is friendly & professional.

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